Feeling stuck with your marketing? Frustrated by low patient numbers or slow practice growth? This is for you.

Think of the Marketing Breakthrough like you're taking your marketing in for a check-up.

This is your opportunity to get my expert eyes on your business and receive actionable, personalized advice to help you identify what’s not working with your marketing that may be holding you back from attracting more patients.

Here’s how it works:

1. Complete a Diagnostic Form:
After you sign up, you’ll be directed to a diagnostic form. This allows me to get a full picture of your practice, your challenges, and your goals.

2. Receive Your Personalized Video Review:
Once I’ve reviewed your form in detail, I’ll record a custom video just for you. I’ll share my screen and walk you through my analysis of your marketing, point out what’s working, and identify areas for improvement.

3. Get Tailored Advice & Resources:
In your video, you'll get clear, actionable steps to attract more patients, optimize your marketing, and streamline your workflow, so can you thrive in today’s competitive wellness market.

Your custom 30-minute video will arrive in your inbox within three business days, so you can start making meaningful changes right away.

Simple, effective, and tailored just for you!

Let’s take the overwhelm out of marketing and get your practice thriving!

Overwhelmed by all the marketing options out there? Not sure if you're doing it right?

In the Marketing Breakthrough, I comb through your marketing and share actionable tips to make it more effective.

How does it work?

  • Sign Up & Receive Your Diagnostic Form Immediately

    After signing up, you'll be be brought to a diagnostic form (be sure to fill this out right away!) so I can get the full picture of what you want help with.

  • I'll Review Your Marketing & Record Your Video

    Once I receive your info, I'll record and send you a 30-minute video of me going over everything you provided. I'll share my screen and provide any feedback necessary to help you make your marketing more efficient and effective.

  • Take Action & Streamline Your Marketing for More Patients

    Your custom video will be sent to you within 3 business days, so you can start executing the advice I offer you as soon as possible. Easy peasy!

Meet the marketing strategist in your back pocket, Michelle Grasek

Michelle Grasek, MS, L.Ac., is a practicing acupuncturist, marketing coach and host of the Acupuncture Marketing School podcast.

Her work has been featured on Lhasa OMS, Unified Practice, American Acupuncture Council, and many more.

Michelle’s mission is to help you simplify your marketing, reach more patients, and change the world with acupuncture.

She shares all her practice-building tips and strategies on michellegrasek.com and on social media @michellegrasek.

Michelle Grasek, LAc, MSAOM

Founder of Acupuncture Marketing School

Stop spinning your marketing wheels. I'd love to help.

Get expert insight on how to make your marketing work better. It's time to grow your practice and help more patients!