Steal the emails I send to my patients!
Tired of procrastinating your email newsletter because you don't know what to talk about every month?
This is a group of 26+ emails that you can use for your own clinic, so you never have to wonder again, "What the heck am I supposed to write this month?"
When I teach email marketing, I recommend sending two emails per month to your list, so these templates take care of your email marketing for a whole year.
Email marketing, DONE.
Topics of the Email Templates:
These emails focus on pain, anxiety, and digestive conditions.
I try to mention research studies when possible and I include links to each study referenced.
Of course you can rearrange the order of any of these emails, but this is how they are laid out in the template document.
Again, my best recommendation is sending 2 emails per month to stay top of mind with your audience. This is not too much.
Use all of them, or pick and choose the ones you want to send - whatever suits your clinic and your subscribers the best!
January: Knee Pain, Digestive Health
February: Valentine's Day, Arthritis Pain
March: Arthritis (Continued), Allergies
April: Fibromyalgia, Menstrual Disorders
May: National Mental Health Awareness Month (Anxiety), Mother's Day
June: Anxiety (Continued), Educational About Acupuncture (What is an Acupuncture Nap?)
July: Educational About Acupuncture Continued x2 (What's a treatment like? What should I wear to acupuncture?)
August: Shoulder Pain, Elbow Pain
September: Digestion (different email), Introducing the Acupuncturist
October: Wrist Pain, Migraines
November: Daylight Savings Time (Seasonal Affect Disorder), National Bladder Health Month (Urinary symptoms), and Acupuncture Opioid Crisis (Back Pain)
December: Acupuncture for Holiday Stress Management, Holiday Hours/Updates, Gift Certificates, Reminder of Holiday hours & Gift Certificates
Bonus Emails, Part 1: Introducing a New LMT or Staff Member and Upcoming Event Promotion/Invite
Bonus Emails, Part 2: Series of 3 Black Friday Sale Emails
Sample Email Template:
What do the templates look like?
SUBJECT: Can you predict weather changes by your knee pain?
ALTERNATE SUBJECT: Did you know acupuncture can help with knee pain?
Can acupuncture help chronic knee pain? In many cases, yes!
A lot of people think that chronic pain is just something they have to "get used to." Especially if the pain has been going on for a decade or more, they start to assume that it's part of their life now.
But acupuncture can be incredibly helpful in reducing daily knee pain as well as flare-ups.
If you have knee pain that:
- Changes with the weather, for example, worse with cold and/or rain
- Gets worse with overuse, like long walks or standing for long periods at work
- Prevents you from climbing stairs comfortably or kneeling in your garden
- Is from an old injury that never really went away...
Then I definitely recommend trying acupuncture!
It's a gentle treatment AND you get to take a nap.
Typically for chronic knee pain I recommend coming in once a week for 6-8 weeks, and then we try to space the treatments out a bit, to see if you can go 2-3 weeks or a month, and still feel great.
With chronic pain, maintenance treatments are also incredibly helpful to prevent flare ups! After an initial round of treatments, once a month is a great treatment plan moving forward.
If you have questions about your chronic knee pain and whether acupuncture can help you, feel free to hit reply to this email!
You can also click here to schedule online. [Insert Link to your online schedule or “Schedule Now” button.]
Have a great morning,
Important Very Common FAQs:
Can I publish these emails as blog posts on my website?
No. Search engines like Google rank websites, in part, on original content. A lot of acupuncturists have purchased these emails and if many people are publishing them on their websites, it is no longer original content. Search engines will begin to notice and it can actually hurt your Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Can I copy and paste the email content a social media captions?
YES. That is totally fine and is a great way to repurpose content.
Do the email templates come with photos or graphics?
No. Each template consists of written text which includes highlighted areas that you should change to match your clinic. The text also includes any relevant links to research that is mentioned.
All Other Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the refund policy?
Because the email templates are a digital product that can be immediately downloaded, we are not able to offer refunds. If you have questions about the content of the emails and need more details before purchasing, please email us at [email protected] and we’re happy to answer your questions. We want you to be really thrilled with your purchase, so please ask any questions before buying!
How do the email templates work?
The templates are easy to use. Each template is included in a Word document that you download to your computer. When you open it, you can jump to each month or each email.
Simply copy the email text that you want to use, and paste into a new email in your provider (like MailChimp or Constant Contact).
Then edit quickly with your own name, clinic, info, and links. Hit send or schedule the email to go out in the future. Done! -
Do I have permission to copy these emails to send to my own patients?
Yes. The goal is to literally give you my emails so you can copy and paste them and send as your own. You have permission to copy them directly. You will have to add your own name, clinic info, and your own scheduling links, but that’s it. You can edit the emails any way you like. Please note: You may not resell the emails.
What are the topics of the emails?
The focus of these emails is primarily pain management, digestion, and anxiety. Here are the exact emails included, laid out month-by-month:
January: Knee Pain, Digestive Health
February: Valentine's Day, Arthritis Pain
March: Arthritis (Continued), Allergies
April: Fibromyalgia, Menstrual Disorders
May: National Mental Health Awareness Month (Anxiety), Mother's Day
June: Anxiety (Continued), Educational About Acupuncture (What is an Acupuncture Nap?)
July: Educational About Acupuncture Continued x2 (What's a Treatment Like? and What to Wear to Acupuncture)
August: Shoulder Pain, Elbow Pain
September: Digestive Health (different email), Introducing the Acupuncturist
October: Wrist Pain, Migraines
November: Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD), National Bladder Health Month
December: Holiday Updates, Acu Recommended by the American College of Physicians for Pain (Opioid Crisis) -
Do I have to send the emails in the order listed above?
Nope! Feel free to rearrange them however makes the most sense for you and your subscribers.
Can I edit/change the emails so they appeal to my ideal patients?
Yes, of course! You have permission to copy/paste the emails, as well as to edit the emails however you need to. Remember that I wrote these emails specifically to appeal to my target audience. But my target audience might not be the same as yours. So if you need to change phrases, greetings, or anything else so that they appeal to your specific patients, go for it.
How often should I send emails?
I recommend sending two emails per month to your list to stay top-of-mind with your subscribers. The way they are laid out in the template document is two emails per month. I find that only sending one email per month (the usual practice for acupuncturists) is too much time between emails and allows subscribers to get distracted and forget about their intention to make an appointment. However, you can use these emails in whatever way works for you. Feel free to send them at whatever frequency works best for you and your practice.
How long do I have access?
You have lifetime access. You can send and re-send these emails as many times as you like. The email template document is meant to be downloaded on your computer, so you get to keep it forever. Plus, you can log back in and download the templates again in the future if you misplace the document.
Do I have to send every single email?
Nope! The most important thing is to send emails regularly. If there are a few emails that you don’t think are a good fit for your audience, you can leave them out or replace them with your own emails.
Course curriculum
Download the templates here
About this course
- $137.00
- 1 lesson
- 0 hours of video content